Awon Golding Millinery Blog — press RSS

Lady Gaga wears Viola from AW15

"Thank u for the killer hat AWON GOLDING. Nothing like a great hat to top off the day. I feel like Isabella Blow." - Lady Gaga What better to wake up to on a Friday morning than the most followed person in internet history wearing one of your hats AND mentioning your name! Words cannot describe how happy I am to see Lady Gaga enjoying my Viola boater. She is an incredible advocate for fashion, independent design and she looks absolutely gorgeous. If you're reading this Countess, thank you for your support and belief in my brand.

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Awon Golding Millinery on BBC 1's Countryfle

If you didn't catch it last night I made my telly debut on BBC 1's Countryfile. Charlotte Smith visited me at London Fashion Week and interviewed me about using British pheasant feathers. I appear to be invoking the hat God's in this still but I assure you it was a very civilised experience and not half as cringe as I thought it would be. Skip through to 33:30 to view our little bit of the programme.

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